How-To: Add a student Roster to your Deployed Space

How-To: Add a student Roster to your Deployed Space


  1. Design Space created
  2. (Optional) At least one Case added to your Space
  3. (Optional) At least one Phase is added to your Case
  4. Space Version created
  5. Space has been Deployed


  1. Click on the Teach section
  2. Navigate to and click on your desired Teach Space
  3. Click the “Roster” button on the left-nav
  4. (Option 1) Add your students individually by…
    a. Entering their e-mail
    b. Selecting the Role “Student”
    c. Click “Invite”
  5. (Option 2) Add your students in mass by…
    a. Creating a CSV file (link to specific format)
    b. Click “Choose File” and to select your student roster CSV
    c. Click “Upload”
  6. Complete!