How-To: Configure Teach Logistics for Case(s)

How-to: Configure Teach Logistics for Case(s)


  1. Design Space created
  2. (Optional) At least one Case added to your Space
  3. (Optional) At least one Phase is added to your Case
  4. Space Version created
  5. Space has been Deployed


  1. Click on the Teach section
  2. Navigate to and click on your desired Teach Space
  3. Navigate to your desired Case and click “Edit”
  4. Enter “Release at” and “Due at” times
  5. Complete!

Did You Know?

  • If you enter a “Release at” date in the future and have a student Roster added to a Teach Case, students will still be able to see the Case in their dashboard, however they will NOT be allowed to interact with the Case until the specified date.